Eating & Drinking:
We advise a soft diet after having a tooth removed. Take care to ensure that food does not become trapped in the socket where the tooth was. Please avoid consuming any alcohol or hot after the extraction, especially if the local anaesthetic effect is still present.
Do not repeatedly rinse your mouth out after your extraction.
A blood clot forms in the socket where the tooth was; frequent rinsing will tend to dislodge this clot and the socket will start bleeding. 24 hours following the extraction, you should rinse your mouth with warm salty water (a half teaspoon of salt in a warm glass of water). Repeat this 3-4 times a day after meals
Please continue to brush your teeth as normal. Take care not to disturb the healing socket.
If bleeding occurs after leaving the clinic, please do the following:
- Roll a handkerchief / tissue into a small pad (about the thickness of your finger).
- Place it over the bleeding socket and bite down on it for 20-25 minutes. If after this period, bleeding is still occurring, please contact the clinic immediately (Tel: 087 142 8600).
(Bear in mind that minor oozing from the extraction site can occur for up to 24 hours after having the tooth removed.)
You should expect to have some swelling after the extraction. This can take up to 10 days to resolve in some cases.
We strongly recommend that you avoid cigarettes and other tobacco products for the 24 hours following the extraction. Cigarette smoke can delay or prolong the healing of the extraction site, and in some cases, can increase the risk of post-operative pain (Dry Socket).
Pain Control:
You should expect to have some discomfort following an extraction. If you think you may require pain killers, please ask one of the dentists at the clinic.
Sutures (Stitches):
If you have had stitches (sutures) placed after an extraction, please do not touch them or pull at them. You should return to us one week after the extraction to have these stitches removed unless dissolvable stitches were placed. We will tell you this before you leave the clinic.
Local Anaesthetic:
The type of anaesthetic used by dentists can leave your lip and other soft tissues numb for up to 4 hours. Please be extremely careful not to bite your lip or cheek during this time period. (This is especially important for parents to take note of if their child has had local anaesthetic.) In addition, take care not to burn yourself with very hot drinks – you will not realise what has happened until after the anaesthetic effect has worn off.